Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Foggy Days...

Coffee in hand...a foggy morning and a quiet house! Winter has come to the valley and with it is my time to go inward. Not only do I love the coziness of being wrapped in quilts by a fire with a book but this is my time to enjoy the coziness of my thoughts. I am a Pisces ya know...and as one, daydreams are a large part of what makes up my life. So with the winter months set in, along with the fog...comes my time to sit and drift...This is also the time these days when the ocean calls. Ocean, rocks and the color green...these are a few of my favorite things! I have rocks everywhere throughout my home and gardens, as many of you know. There is this connection I have with them and water. Add the color green and presto! One of my favorite past times when I am at the ocean is to walk the beach collecting green rocks. Once while walking...trying to hold on to my coffee in one hand and all my green treasures in the other I was stopped by this gentleman who realized we were both collecting green rocks! We spoke for a few minutes and he told me of some of his favorite spots to find them then we both turned and went our seperate ways...both in our own little worlds enjoying the ocean, our coffee and our green rocks. So you see I have this large bowl on my table filled with just those finds! They help take me back to the ocean and the fog and the hours of walking the beach filled with daydreams and rocks. is good!
I have had plenty of time to sit and enjoy...with the family being back together all is well. The boy is home and with him has come the giggles of his sister as they try to not get caught while being mischievous. I had called for them several times last night to help with dishes after we had sat around catching up at the table and of course noticed how quickly they disappeared when it was time to clean up. I went to find them and noticed one of our cats sitting outside the laundry closet mewing to nobody...or was she? Getting closer...there were the telltale signs of giggles coming from behind the doors. Upon flinging them open and finding them both perched up on what are a very tall washer and dryer, there was crazy laughter and the begging of not being made to do dishes! Really, how can you argue with that and so I closed the door and walked away with a smile as they laughed and laughed.
We have had fun catching up and sharing time together over the last week. They have had time to see friends and both the children and Wayne all shared in the service at church Christmas Eve. So as I am cuddled in with yet another cup of coffee I will share with you the goings on in our home since last I had the time to chat...

We spent a wonderful weekend in Berkeley in October with Bry. It was Homecoming and the game was so close...but did not end well. We had fun going out with friends for dinner and spent much time walking the city and enjoying being back in the city once again.

Bry has moved into an apartment with a couple of friends and there are always a few extras there as well so we are happy when meal time rolls around to see how many of his friends will join us for dinner out. Always fun to sit and listen to their stories! We also had time to see some of the projects he has spent hours on this semester.

There are times when he lives at the studio for days on end... catching an hour of sleep on the futon or under his desk if he has a chance.

They are all one big family there and make sure you wake up after not too long. A deadline is a deadline after all!

Then there was the upkeep of the gardens...

One of my favorite pastimes. Now that I have lived here a bit I am finally learning the plants that grow here and what they need. It was amazing to find just how different everything here is compared to what we grew before. With time and the killing of many beautiful plants...we have learned enough to make our gardens much more enjoyable. Something that is a must for me as being outside with barefeet (much to the horror of the Kristina, my pedicure technician) walking the gardens is where I have some of my best daydreams!

We had a wonderful visit with my parents in November! They have always come at busy times in the past and we have yet to have a chance to explore with them, showing them some of our favorite spots...This time was different.

Mother laughed when I told her I had the whole visit planned out! What is with that...I don't over organize things that much, right?
Anyway, we hit the road running and off to Berkeley I took them to see Bry and his life...

Once back home, we spent some time around town checking out the Farmers Market and getting a bit of Holiday shopping done.

On Sunday, we packed food and headed to Yosemite.

My parents had never been and I was excited to show them as well as anxious to see it in the Fall since it is one of the times I had yet to explore there...

Once again I was in awe and humbled beyond belief!!! How can there be so much beauty in one space? Oh yeah...maybe it is my love of it is more! It is a magical space and a place where no words can do it justice!!!

Bry came home the following week for Thanksgiving and with him came old friends from school. Jacob was also home from college and the house was full of teens and fun...
We went searching for just the perfect Christmas Tree...
Our search became a day long adventure and there was much more than just tree searching going on...

But alas...we found the perfect tree.

Stockings were hung, UC applications completed, Finals taken and cookies baked...

All that was left were our houses to make...

Looking at these creations there is not a huge surprise that Bry is studying achitecture...Jacob is a Red Sox fan and Brit...well she is our girl who loves traditions...

Christmas Eve was filled with dinner with friends then off to the church to enjoy a night filled with music and laughter...

We woke on Christmas later in the morning than years ago when the children were young and up at 5AM...and spent the day with each other, eating and reading and laughing over stories. Chatting with friends and family throughout the day, we nestled in and enjoyed a perfect Holiday...

So, for each of you, down the block or across the many miles, I wish for you this Holiday Season... a quiet time to cuddle in and daydream of oceans and coffee and green rocks...or whatever it is that makes your heart sing...



piscesgrrl said...

Me again. :) Glad to get the update! Sounds like you're having a lovely time there, and a lovely holiday. I love the gingebread houses - all 3!

Thx for checking in on us tonight after our little mini-emergency.. I'm calmer now after reading your blog, thinking of green rocks, and daydream-planning our first visit. :)

Your Pisces, rock-loving grrrl pal,

Anonymous said...

Hi Sharon!

Thank you so much for the green rocks, the inspiration, as always. We are so close here in Orinda, but so far. I will always treasure your sharing of joy and peace in your life and through your blog.

Dan has started making beer again - it's very exciting. All is well with us in our chaotic but not enough nature. Need to keep working on that.

Have a wonderful, productive winter. I'll be thinking of you as I take my small steps every day to sew together a little life of meaning - your is one of the rich threads.


Wendy G.